Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Thoughts on grace

Tim Miller has written some good thoughts on grace...they got me thinking. No time to put it all together....this is just what came in the moment. I am sure the list could be much longer. Thanks Tim!

Radical grace
A grace that saves
A grace that stoops down
A grace that listens to the long winded
A grace that hugs the clingy
A grace that welcomes the homeless
A grace that loves the legalist
A grace that forgives the unforgivable
A grace that forgets past offences
A grace that cares for the traditionalist
A grace that embraces the confused
A grace that comforts the wounded
A grace that gives boundaries
A grace that brings justice at just the right time
A grace that punishes wickedness
A grace that gives every possible opportunity to repent
A grace that doesn’t overlook but gently calls to account
A grace that pursues
A grace that knows it all and loves anyway
A grace that will call me a friend
A grace that will risk reputation for me
A grace that knows when to humble
A grace that knows when to praise
A grace that has no strings attached
A grace that overflows
A grace to give
A grace to share
A radical grace for those who do not dress like me, think like me, look like me, smell like me, see things the way I see them or agree with me……even when I know I am right.;)
The same grace that I want for myself
Give me, Lord, to share with others

1 comment:

Dave C said...

great poem...thank you