Saturday, May 20, 2006

weakness and temptations

I have a weakness for dried Mangos. I buy them at Costco and to my shame...I can eat through a whole bag by myself. If they are in the house.....I am aware of their presence in the cupboard. It takes all my will power to fight the urge to take another and another. I justify myself and say..."it's fruit!"
I have gone weeks without buying them so the temptation would not be there.
Yesterday, I passed by them twice in Costco. A little voice said..." go get them, there are worse things you could be addicted to."
Justification won over and now they torment me in my home. Nothing seems to silence them except when the bag is empty and then the guilt comes. ( you should see the calorie count on these things!)
The Mangos may not be the worse thing in the world to be tempted by but the process of temptation is the same. It's all apples this case mangos!


Phil said...

I love mangoes. When we go to Australia, they always seem to have such fresh tasting fruit.

It was good to finally meet browneyedgirl this weekend. Thanks for introducing yourself and for making fun of my website! :) it's good to have people who try to keep you humble and based in reality.

grace to you,

BrownEyedGirl said...

We are just Jealous Phil...of your web site! :)

Kelly said...

dried mangoes have got to be better than a five pound bag of peanut M&M's in your bottom desk drawer that you eat consoling yourself by rationalizing it's only on bad days, yet you grab handfuls throughout the afternoon, promising yourself that each one will be the last.

Mhairi said...

You found a picture of mangoes! Sad, sad lady! ;)

Suebee35 said...

Mine are strawberries. Those aren't bad for me but the temptation and the knowledge of knowing that I have no will power is disturbing!

WalksInTheWoods said...

I'm sorry but I'm stuck on why eating 1 little bag of mangoes, all by yourself, is a problem ....???

worst scene scenario..... a little fire falls from heaven and consumes you when you've eaten the 50th bag ....

I'm with Mhairi on this one ....the sad thing is that you actually searched and found a picture of a bag of mangoes...

Feel bad when you eat an entire package of oreos' or not ....this world has enough guilt .....