Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Impressionable appearance

Most of us are understandably upset when we find out that our favorite athlete has taken steroids or our favorite singer has admitted to lip syncing. We feel deceived. How dare they give everyone the impression that they were better than they actually really were!
But, if truth be told the majority of people in the world are all about making an impression….and sometimes just for appearance sake!
Mrs. Arthur Sulzberger, of the newspaper dynasty, was bidding a granddaughter good-night one evening when the child remarked,
“Mommy and Daddy are entertaining some very important people downstairs.”
“You’re right,” agreed Mrs. Sulzberger. “But how did you know?”
“Just listen,” advised her granddaughter.
“Mommy is laughing at all of Daddy’s jokes.”
In our scripture Acts chapter 5 we will look at a couple that found them selves impressed by the good deeds of others which left them wanting to make a “good” impression themselves. Unbeknownst to them, the impression they would make would be a lasting one!
Let us look together at Ananias and Sapphira
I. They were impressed by others- What Barnabas had done. Acts 4:37
Barnabas ….”Sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostle’s feet.”
It is interesting to me that Barnabas is mentioned specifically here. Earlier in the same chapter it says that “everyone shared everything they had” and “from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them and brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostle’s feet.”
It is plain from this portion of scripture that Barnabas was not the only one who sold a field and gave the money to the apostles…so why is his name mentioned? We don’t know but from the reaction and plan of Ananias and Sapphira we can guess that maybe Barnabas was the first to have given all of the money from the sale or that his property had brought in the most money.
At any rate the people were pleased and his name was worthy of mention because of his generosity. Barnabas was someone to look up to.
Weirsbe says in his commentary “No doubt the church was praising God for the generous offering that Barnabas had brought when Satan whispered to the couple, “You can also bask in this kind of glory! You can make others think that you are as spiritual as Barnabas!” Instead of resisting Satan’s approaches, they yielded to him and planned their strategy. “
Now it was their turn and they wanted to give…but what they wanted to give was not really their money but…
II. A “good” impression- Acts 5:1-2
The impression they wanted to give was that they were sacrificial givers- just like Barnabas, when really; they both knew they had kept some for themselves.
The sad part of the story is, no one was forcing them, they were not required to sell the land and give all the money. Had they only gave the portion they had intended to give and were honest about it ….there would not have been a problem.
Why do we as human beings try to make ourselves out to be better than what we actually are? Is it fear of rejection? Someone will see us as we really are and turn us away? Or is it pride? Wanting to be praised or admired for having it all together, when we know we really don’t.
When did it become inappropriate to be real? When did it become unfashionable to be honest? Maybe when others begin to look better than we do, get more praises than we do- maybe we’re just jealous.
I know we all have ideals and goals. To strive for a standard is not wrong…to give the impression that you have reached the standard and sometimes exceed it…that is where the sin lies.
George McDonald said “We must not think that failure to reach our ideals is hypocrisy, because no believer lives up to all that he or she knows or has in the Lord. Hypocrisy is deliberate deception, trying to make people think we are more spiritual than we really are.”
That is what Ananias and Sapphira wanted….they wanted people to think they were more spiritual then they actually were. They wanted to make a good impression…maybe even ….
III. A lasting impression! – Acts 5: 3-10
What was the result of their deception? Death!
We are told in God’s word that “the wages of sin is death” Rom 6:23
We do not realize how true this is.
If God killed “religious deceivers” today, how many people would be left?
They died for a false impression…….no wonder vs. 5 said “ and great fear seized all who heard what had happened” and if it happened today I am sure vs. 11 would make sense to us as well “ Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.”
Maybe the others were seized with fear because they thought….What about me?? Can they see my thoughts? Do they know my motivations?
Well what about us?
Are we more concerned with the appearance of being a good Christian than actually being one?
Did you notice that Ananias’s wife….was judged on her own for what she knew? She supported her husband’s false impression and fell to the same judgment.
Those who know us best are those who live with us. Wives, husbands, our children…..What would they say about our Christianity lived out at home? Have they learned to live up to the “family appearances” while in public? While at church? Have they learned from us that appearances, impressions are more important than transparency and authenticity?
What are our motivations?
Who are we trying to impress? Is it God or man??
I think we realize in this day in age, that we can actually sometimes impress some……but is God impressed with us? He knows our thoughts. He knows our motivations.
Ananias and Sapphira were accused of lying to God.
They wanted to make an impression on others in the church and….well…..they did! They made a lasting impression!
We are wise to remember 1 Samuel 16:7 which tells us: Man looks at the outward appearance……..but the Lord looks at the heart.
Are our hearts, right before God? What does He see of himself in our hearts, in our minds? Is the impression we give to others….a true picture of who we really are on the inside? Are we lip syncing our Christianity? Are we falsely “pumping” our self up to be something that we are not? Appearances alone are not enough.
Let us get it right before God. We are all sinners, we all need his saving grace……..let us be very careful not to lie to the Holy Spirit--- thinking that we are harmlessly making a good impression. As Peter told them “You have not lied to men, but to God.”

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