Wednesday, November 16, 2005

God's Character

Going along with the idea of how does God use us with all our humanness and in relfection of another blog I wrote the following:

The character of God does not change or contradict itself even if his people do.
In our radical, open minded thinking may we not loose site of the few absolutes that we are given. To measure ourselves by ourselves is not wise. ( 2 Corinthians 10:12) To discern what God is doing without comparing it to what He has done in His Word is dangerous. The cutting edge feeling of being controversial in its extreme can be egocentric. All throughout the Bible God's people were inconsistent and did things even the most radical among us would frown upon. Yet God continued to use them to reveal himself not only to individuals but to nations and the world. This is my encouragement, my only hope that He can use me.
Man's weakness and lack of character and consistency does not trump the strength or the character of God. 1 Timothy 2:13 "If we are faithless He is faithful for He cannot disown himself."
We want to be effective, we want to be radical, we want to be relevant, we want to be cutting edge. But do we want Jesus as much as we want all these things?
Do we want Him? Do we know His word?
Give us passion Lord. Give us discernment Lord. Give us YOU.

I wrote it in trying to process my own feelings and thoughts -out of context it may not make sense.
Any comments/thoughts or corrections are welcome.

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