Friday, October 13, 2006

Ordinary days

photo of water worn rocks

Ordinary days, small moments
Water slowly dripping on a rock.
Waves ebbing and crashing across the coastline.
Rocks becoming soft stones after days and years
Of being passed over, washed, covered and exposed
Now smooth because of the persistence of
Flowing, active, living water.
Deserts carved with canyons.
Because of the cleansing flow of the stream
That moves the dirt along and makes a way
To something bigger, deeper and
more powerful than itself
Carving and pressing through the hardest stone

Persistence makes a way
like water confronted with a hard place.
It will find a crack to go through,
Or it will rise and flow over
Or it will divide and
move around the hard place.
Leaving everything it touches,
everything in its path
Softer, wider, smooth to touch
or washed away completely
Every day, every choice
leaves an impression and takes us somewhere
Carving our lives and the lives of those around us.
The small persistent dripping days,
Can influence and change us more subtly over time
Yet, with the same power of a tsunami moment.

The Spirit moves…
Flowing, active, Living Water
From the very throne room of God.
Change my heart Lord,
No longer a heart of stone.
Soften and smooth away the rough edges of my life
Carve the way and make me like your Living Water
Flowing, active, persistent and always
Moving toward something bigger than myself
Not letting the hard places discourage or stop me
But persistently moving forward
Even on the dripping,
ordinary days.



Unknown said...

I liked the part about rough stone becoming smooth as a result of living water rushing through. LOVE it! I have a hope now :)

WalksInTheWoods said...

Washing away all that is earth and earthly until nothing but the Rock remains ..... "moving the dirt along"........ John 1:42 was the promise: "You are………..(but),you shall be.... Cephas …"

Thank you for blessing me with your crafting of words....

The stone on my desk from the waters edge of Maine says Amen to words of your heart .......

You provide moments of fresh air from a rocky beach in Maine, .... Gifts from the Sea ............

In the city, the concrete monuments of man reach but never achieve the glory of God's blue sky.

if you don't submit this to Officer magazine......(insert veiled threat here) .....