Wednesday, July 12, 2006

While Women Weep

My blogs have been way to serious or poetic lately.
Don't be offended with this blog ...
some women carry burdens that no one understands! ;)

The marginalised,
the oppressed and those who's pain is sometimes overlooked.


WalksInTheWoods said...

its' definitely a pendulum swing to the other side ......

however,it made me smile..(wryly, of course) !

but don't back off the serious posts either , .... they travel down the same thought paths many walk .........

1 Corin 13:12 ---it was Paul who wrote , "Now we see in a glasss darkly"..... you have a way of looking into the mirror of life , breathing gently upon the glass and in the quickly passing mist writing reflections of grace, and joy and peace .....

Unknown said...

this is HILLARIOUS!!!!!
LOVED it! and I send it to bunch of my friends! LOL