Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sallie Chesham

"Walking with the Wind" by Sallie Chesham

I just revisited this book on my shelf. I was reminded of the Lt. Colonel's poetry and ability to be different, to be herself within the structure that God had called her to serve in.
When I was a teenager I met Mrs. Chesham. She soldiered at the Cambridge Corps in Massachusetts in her retirement.
Here is one of her poems:


Lord, stumble me!
A fall is better
Than this stolid step
Behind a thousand others,
Ongoing only
Because of tradition's whip
And lip,
The pagan drive of power.

Stumble me, Lord!
And if I then regain
My feet,
I'll march with zest
Even if behind the rest.
If not, perhaps
The ragged lump there
In the road
Will make another stop,
And, startled,
Straighten up,
Gathering himself to You;
March on, soldier!
Or else, he may stumble too
Over me,
And falling, stop another
In the mechanistic line,
Who will come to himself
And You.

Oh, stumble, stumble me, Lord


Suebee35 said...

I love reading her poems as well. I'm going to have to sort through my book shelves and seek some of her inspiration today.

I think we are coming up for the last weekend of StarLake. Katie is a bit nervous. It is so strange to have her go. She was excited that Heather is going. There are only a few kids from our division going that she actually knows.

WalksInTheWoods said...

Good poem and thoughts that remain always relevant in an Army of Salvation that corporately seeks conformity, even in its radical expressions.....