Thursday, February 23, 2006

What am I good at?

Heather and Natasha

My daughter Natasha was sitting in the mini van with me this past Sunday morning. We just pulled into the parking lot. I started to gather my things when I heard my 8 year old say
" Mommy?"
"Yes, Natasha" I answered without looking in her direction, making sure my Bible and sermon were where I had placed them.
"Mommy, I was just thinking about how Heather is good at so many things. She is good at singing, skiing, drawing, art and acting. What am I good at?"
Looking straight at her, my mind quickly jumped to list all the things I knew Natasha was good at. A little panic set in, I never liked these "comparing ourselves"comments especially between sisters. I was just about to answer her when all of a sudden she tilted her head to the side and made a face like a lightbulb just turned on above her head. She smiled at the thought that seemed to have just entered her mind and looking at me she said " I know what I am good at Mommy! I am good at loving God." I smiled at her and said " Yes, Natasha you are very good at loving God. You have a very tender heart."
The words hit me but the depth of what she said didn't reach me until we were half way through our Holiness Meeting. In the meeting the band played a selection and the verses of the chorus were about being accepted and how God takes us as we are.
Then Natasha's words hit me....well, more like knocked the wind out of me.
" I am good at loving God". I heard her confident voice repeat the words in my head.
I thought to myself--That wasn't even on my list.....It should be on my
list.......It really is what it all is about ...right?
We try to be good at so many things.....
a good worship service, a good sermon, a good band, good programming, good evangelism, a good reputation, a good family, a good ministry.
But all of it is just noise.....a clanging cymbal
Let's be good at loving God. I want to be good at loving God!
Let's not only add it to the list......let it be the list.

"... But, the greatest of these is Love." 1 Corinthians 13:13


Jason said...

now that's "Doing the most good!"

Pete said...

Isn't it funny how we are programmed to value ourselves (and often others) by such a worldly standard? It runs so very deep. Even when we think we have conquered it, it creeps back in - ever so subtly. Our culture is always saying "achieve more, be more, do more, accomplish more..." - only then can you count up what you have and hope it adds up to enough.

Oh to be "good at loving God"! Most days, I'd have to admit that this goal doesn't make my short list of things I'm trying to be good at either.

I pray that Natasha never loses sight of just how precious her gift is! Love God and love others - so simple, yet far too often so very elusive. Thanks for sharing!

Jim said...

And a child shall lead them. Way to go Natasha!

bec said...

this really blessed me. Thank you

Re09 said...

HEY you!! Just wanted to stop by! Hope your having fun on your Spa weekend!! MWAH

Dave C said...


Thanks for sharing this. I pray every day that I will conversations like that one with my daughter, Kayla. She has a mild form of autism and is non-verbal. I'm confident that God will heal her...some days just a little more impatient than others.

Thanks again,

P.S. My wife recently had an article published in The Officer about Kayla.

Christopher Hinzman said...

Wow. You are blessed to have such a wonderful family centered on God.

Your childeren are blessed to have such wonderful parents based on God! Such parents seem to be rare these days.

Thanks for your post! Natasha, though she is so young has set an example for me today!!! Wow.