Wednesday, February 08, 2006

God's word to women

I would like to share a site that I have found recently. It is about God's Word to Women.
I found the word study, scripture for women and articles very insightful. These are not young feminist who have set out to dominate the men. Take a look at who the women are behind this web site!

Who We Are . . . and Are Not!

From Left to right: Pat Joyce, Gay Anderson and Barbara Collins

God says that He will "...use those things that are weak to confound the wise."
I Cor. 1:26.
Who we are... We're three women from Texas--Barbara Collins, Gay Anderson and Pat Joyce. Barbara and Gay came to the Lord in the 60's and Pat in the 70's. Although we are all ordained ministers, we have found our identity in Him; and He's been our life since we first met. On this basis, we would like to share some of the truths we have discovered.

God is presently calling women to the full redemption for which they were created and which He purchased for them on Calvary. He wants woman to walk in the fullness of the original, pre-Fall relationship that He had with her as well as Adam. The three of us are only a tiny part of this great move of God but we pray that we will be faithful to the call He has given.
What we are...and are not. We do not identify ourselves as feminists. Placing the word Biblical before feminist, or saying Christian feminist does not solve the problem. The word feminist has come to be identified with a radical posture that maintains that women have few differences from men, or denies the need for men, or at best presents men as lesser beings like some of the TV sitcoms. We believe man and woman offer a completion and strength to each other. Woman was created as a help (counterpart, partner) to man--not inferior in any way.
We do adhere to the belief that women and men are, and have been, treated differently by our society, and that women have frequently and systematically been unable to participate fully in all social arenas and institutions including marriage. We carry a sincere desire to change that situation, especially as that participation relates to ministry within the church, the home and the Body of Christ-at-large.
We believe that much of the present-day attitude in the church toward women comes identified with tradition and human precepts rather than Bible truth. When the church is cleansed of denominationalism; human tradition; prejudice that includes race, gender status or class; bondage to culture; and customs, then the church will be ready to demonstrate the unity and the oneness for which our Lord prayed in John 17.
In the Magna Charta of Women published in 1919, Jessie Penn-Lewis quotes Dr. Katharine Bushnell who said, "The church which silences women will be found to silence the Holy Ghost," and "a sect or sex, or race which attempts a monopoly of the Spirit's voice and power, will find that the Holy Spirit will flee far from it." (p. 102) Jessie Penn-Lewis continues: "God's time has come for the emancipation of women, but it will be woe to the world and terrible loss to the Church if they are not won for Christ and for His service. For it is certain that if Christ does not get hold of the women of today, the devil will." She concluded by saying that "it will be woe to the serpent and to his kingdom if those whom he has so oppressed and persecuted lay hold of the fact of his utter defeat at Calvary and in the power of their triumphant Head turn upon their foe in assurance of victory." (p. 103) Let it come, Lord!
Although the three of us are only a small part of this great move of God, we are committed to being faithful to the call He has given us.
We are honored to have been mentioned in Vinson Synan's new book The Century of the Holy Spirit in the section on Spirit-filled Women written by Dr. Susan Hyatt.

Here is the link:


BeccaBoB said...

This is so uplifting to read that God is doing things like this all over the world. I wonder if you have heard of an army movement, anya...we are seeking to do similar things, and Im sure your wisdom would be appreciated, see

BrownEyedGirl said...

Thanks for sharing! Another good site!

Allison Ward said...

I updated!