Friday, March 03, 2006

Looking up

I saw two men today standing at a bus stop. Both of the men were wearing suits, warm coats, winter hats and gloves. They were both waiting for the bus into New York City. One looked impatiently up the street in the direction the bus would arrive and the other one was looking up. I only saw them for a moment because I was driving past them in my mini van. But in that moment I saw something that made me smile. The man, who was looking up, had a glint in his eye and a grin on his face. It had just started to snow and the flakes were big and fluffy. It was cold but instead of becoming miserable and impatient…..he looked up and watched the snow flakes fall. He looked like a kid and I imagined him wishing he could catch the snow flakes on his tongue! He was enjoying the moment and it made me smile.
As I continued down the road to my destination, I thought of the two men and the lesson of perspective. Both at the same spot in life, both with the same circumstances yet one was impatient longing for something better to come along and the other found something beautiful right where he was waiting.
Perspective is powerful!


Evie said...

A good reminder! Thanks. Evie

Allison Ward said...

I updated!

Nuno Barreto said...

Perspective is powerfull indeed...