Thursday, March 09, 2006


Sequence of events:

Mhairi born in 1983
Footloose movie premiered in 1984
Carole graduated High School in 1985

I am going this Friday to a high school performance of FOOTLOOSE the musical. A friend of mine is in the musical and I am very excited to see her perform. I saw the move when it premiered in 1984! I was in High School at the time. So the idea of now watching a High School play that was in the movies when I was in High School has made me feel a little….shall we say uncomfortable! ;)
When I discussed this with my lovely Scottish friend Mhairi she said “those were great years the 80’s!”, seeing as she was born then!
Add in the fact that on Sunday I will be one year closer to a new decade (not in the new decade.... just closer!) and you can see where I am going with this!

1 comment:

Allison Ward said...

Yay! I'm going to be there! We should definitely go for coffee or something after! Me, Stephen, Seth and Tabitha are coming together. And I think that Julieann and Mrs.Hickman are coming too! I'm soo excited!