Monday, March 27, 2006

reflections of vacation

We can ride upon indigo seas
To islands colored emerald green.
Where warm sun rays kiss our skin
Where soft sea breezes stir within
Where waves carve caves and soften rocks.
Where reality fades, imaginations spark

We can dance beneath with fish in schools
And touch the stars that lay in pools
Where little turtles swim on by
Where sting rays look as if they fly
Where translucent jelly fish bob and float
Where people smile and never gloat

We can soar on motors over hills
Racing friends and seeking thrills
Where women hold on with all their might
Where men set hearts on higher sights
Where a thousand butterflies live on a farm
Where friends can laugh and memories form.

Vacations are a gift from God
His beauty shared, we stand in awe
From the sunrises to the sunsets
From the warm blue skies and the ocean depths
To think that all my eyes drank in
Was imagined,
Was created ……all by Him.

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