Friday, March 31, 2006

Holiness Manifesto

'The Holiness Manifesto', from in the current issue of Christianity Today Is an interesting read. It is a re-statement of the Wesleyan Doctrine of Holiness that has been released by the working participants of the Wesleyan Holiness Study Project. This group of theologians includes Salvationists who also serve on our international doctrine council, Lt. Colonel Lyell Rader, Dr. Roger Green and Dr. Jonathon Raymond, and are all committed to addressing the need for the clear and compelling articulation of the message of holiness in our churches today.

A quote from it that stood out to me was :
"Holy people are not legalistic or judgmental. They do not pursue an exclusive, private state of being better than others. Holiness is not flawlessness but the fulfillment of God's intention for us. The pursuit of holiness can never cease because love can never be exhausted. God wants us to be, think, speak, and act in the world in a Christ-like manner."

The whole article is worth the read! Let me know what you think...

1 comment:

HS said...

My first reaction was so in line with my personal bias - where are the women in this discussion? Apparently only 4 out of 38, and the Salvation Army did not have one woman participating. The SA representatives were white, male, and academics - one of the SA strengths is its practical application of holiness at grass roots level - and yet no one spoke from that place.

I also wonder why the existence of this study group isn't communicated in some way in the SA organization. I'm interested in the conversation, but didn't even know that it was happening. (and I let my CT subscription lapse). Is it time to have some of this information and/or discussion in the Good News? Or does anybody care?