Friday, February 02, 2007


Transparency seems to be a hot topic lately. Check out Larry Ashcraft’s blog and Doug Burr.
The peom below, I wrote and posted awhile ago but thought I would stick it up again.
I understand transparency when it comes to how I choose to live. I have always seen God honor transparency in my life and in the lives of others.
What does corporate transparency look like?? A body of believers who together are intentional about being transparent?
Transparency to me is just letting TRUTH out in all I do and say. (Easier said than done sometimes.)

There are risk but no one whose hope is in God will be put to shame!
Just some thoughts…. cjb

He sees right through me,

I’m transparent.

There is nothingI can hide.

Do not mistake

My transparency,

For lack of substance.

Or lack of depth.

Emptiness …

Gives us space

To be filled.

Clarity …

Gives us confidence

And vision.

Look on through!

There is nothing

To hide.

This is His plan

For me,and

For you,


To be transparent

In all we say

And all we do.

To see though

Or look past,

To catch a glimpse

Of something…

Something other

Than me.

To catch a glimpse

Of Him.

He sees right,

He sees right through.



1 comment:

Rob said...

I love that poem!

Here's a thought - when we try to hide, to be opaque, to build walls, then fear abounds. Fear of being found out, fear of consequences.

Check out the five definitions of opaque:

1. not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through.
2. not transmitting radiation, sound, heat, etc.
3. not shining or bright; dark; dull.
4. hard to understand; not clear or lucid; obscure: The problem remains opaque despite explanations.
5. dull, stupid, or unintelligent.

I don't think there's a need to elaborate further...