Friday, April 07, 2006

No leg to stand on!

It never ceases to happen, I will preach a sermon and then the next week or even as early as the week before the sermon is preached…God makes a point that the words are just as much for me as for anyone else!
I preached this last Sunday on how, perfection is found in Christ. How no one is perfect yet we are called to be like Christ. I shared some of it on recent blogs.
It may not seem like a big deal to most but God knows how to humble each of us in His own loving way. (Names have been changed to protect the innocent!)

The phone call went like this:
Me: Hi,
Cathy: Hey! Where were you tonight?
Me: What do you mean where I was tonight? (Panic sets in and corps calendar rushes past my mind too quickly to read)
Cathy: Oh! You forgot???
Me: (silent trying to remember and see if there is anyway to pull this off without admitting that, I forgot andI still have no idea what we are talking about.)
Cathy: (wanting to help) Oh, I would have called earlier if I knew you forgot, I thought you were just busy.
Me: (still without a clue) No, I forgot. I totally forgot.
Cathy: Well, your present was there. That’s why I assumed you were busy. Who brought your present for you?
Me: Cathy, I still don’t know what you are talking about…( tail between legs- HUMBLED, feeling humiliated….would like to make crackling sounds and loose connection mysteriously!)
Cathy: (Sweet and now feeling my pain) Oh, I feel so bad, really! I would have called you earlier, I am sorry- so sorry. It was Tina’s bridal shower tonight. How did your present get there?
Me: I didn’t send a present; it must have been from the other Carole. (Mind thinking, almost every woman from my corps would have been there- heart dropping quickly….realizing more humiliation to come)
Cathy: I should have called earlier; I am so sorry, so sorry.
Me: Cathy, it isn’t your fault…I just blanked out. It isn’t your responsibility to remind me of major events. I am not sure how I forgot ….but I did. Don’t worry, thanks for calling.
Cathy: what are you going to do?
Me: I’ll give the family a call and tell them I blanked out and I am sorry.
Cathy: I wish I called earlier.
Me: Thanks!
Cathy: Bye
Me: Bye

A phone call was made to the family. The Mother said “ You have four kids, don’t loose sleep over it, it will be ok.”
Me thinking- wish I could blame this on the kids!
How interesting is it that our nature kicks in and looks for anything that will help us “save face” in uncomfortable situations. We will even blame anyone who may be standing near by.

Prime Example: Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake and the snake didn’t have a leg to stand on!
( bad joke….feelings of embarrassment returning!)


Rhonda Hayes said...

Your joke made me laugh. mind you, I laugh at almost anything!

Suebee35 said...

I have done the same type of thing quite a few times. At one point I had a corps officer call on a Sunday morning. She had expected us at her corps that morning. We showed up at a different corps on the opposite end of the division. Talk about blanking out!!

Jim said...

It was all Sue's fault! I don't remember it exactly, but it must have been her fault (or maybe the kid's, or the dogs' - anybody's but mine!)

Allison Ward said...

Hey, I'm sooo glad you came lastnight! What a pleasant suprise!!!! It's always nice to see you and catch up! I hope I will see you again soon....Easter FET!
much love and prayers,

Phil said...

just this past tuesday I completely blanked about playing piano for the songsters practice at our corps. i had been away so many weekends and then my wife and i both had doctor's appointments in the afternoon... it just slipped my mind.

what makes it worse is that it's not the first time i've just forgotten and not shown up. i am so bad about that. definitely not perfect, that's for sure.

BrownEyedGirl said...

It is nice to know I am not alone in this world when it comes to "blanking out" and being human. I guess we can all relate to messing up once in a while.....
except for Jim!(It's never HIS fault!;)right Sue!)

Bill said...

Sometimes we get so caught up in the work that we have to do and we are bound to forget something or another. Being humbled is never a bad thing, it makes us realize how human we are and how much more that we need God.