Saturday, April 15, 2006

In-between The Cross and The Resurrection

This day,
The in-between day
When all is lost and Hope has died.

We give up,
We grieve,
Confusion has it’s way.
We think back on
Words said,
Events experienced,
Things we thought we understood.

This day,
The in-between day,
We feel like we’ve been had.

The group brings no comfort
Loneliness sets in.
And satan foolishly thinks he wins.

This day,
The in-between day
When all is lost and our Hope has died.

We sit in darkness
Unaware of what tomorrow will bring.

Psalm 37:6 “ He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, The justice of your cause like the noon day sun.”

( Philippians 3:7-11)

The day in-between the Cross and the Resurrection has always intrigued me.
The first disciples, the friends of Jesus they didn’t know what was coming. I can not imagine what they went through on the day in-between.
Jesus was gone- dead and buried.
All their eggs were in one basket! :)
Nothing made sense anymore.
The poem above came to me today before my feet hit the ground this morning. It's there "as is"- as it came to me.
I think for me, I have days like this at times, “in-between” days where I look back and doubt all the Lord has done and said. Days, where satan seems to win and laugh at me for my foolish faith.
Lord, help me to remember that tomorrow is a New Day and The Victory will be more than we could ask or imagine. We know the story and what the next day brought for the disciples and his followers. The example has been set, keep us faithful Lord, even in the “in-between”.

1 comment:

Evie said...

Thanks, Carole. You've expressed it beautifully.