Monday, May 21, 2007

A full boil

My Grandmother Voisey always liked a hot cup of tea. She insisted that the kettle not only come to a full boil but she would let it boil for 3 minutes before she would steep her tea.
It always amazed me, at restaurants, when she would be given her tea and she could tell on the first sip if the water had come to a FULL boil. Often she would politely send it back. On many occasions, I have waited for a kettle to come to full boil. Hovering, watching, wondering and sometimes taking it off too soon because of an impulse that says, "it's hot enough!" I'm usually in a hurry when this happens. I have also been bright enough to leave a kettle on the fire too long. I have ruined at least two kettles this way. Usually, when this happens I have become too busy with other things and forget I even put the kettle on the fire. The water has evaporated and the kettle is left with a scar.
There is an art to making a good cup of tea. An art that for the most part is completely lost here in the States. Maybe it is my grandmother's influence but I can tell the difference between a cup of tea that has been brewed "properly" and a cup that has been brewed with water that has not been given time to come to a full boil.
I wish I had this same discernment when it came to spiritual things. I am praying for it, asking God to give me this kind of discernment! To know the difference between divine pressure to move or speak and my human impulses. I do not want to take any kettle off the fire before it has reached a full boil. I do not want to serve up a lukewarm cup of anything! I also do not want to miss the moment and scar the kettle.

How does one know for sure the difference between human impulse and divine pressure?


Unknown said...

that's a million dollar question :) once you find thew answer, please please call me and tell me :)
ohh...I to don't want to be a lukewarm cup of tea...nothing is more nausiating than lukewarm water...light us up, Lord with the passion for you!!!!
revivie us, Holy Spirit with your fire!

Evie said...

You must be in a reflective mood these days. Good thoughts and questions you've been sharing. Thanks for your note. NYC is a good place to meet my brother and sister-in-law, so maybe I'll show up at your corps one day! It would be nice to share our common experiences.