Thursday, March 15, 2007

Starbucks- "The way I see it"

You can sometimes find me in Starbucks.

( I can hear you laughing Caryn and Mhairi!)

Anyway, I don't always read my cup. But yesterday I did and I found it interesting. Maybe it was interesting because of what I am studying for my sermon this Sunday. We are in a series called " Holding on and Letting go" from Luke. My husband spoke on the rich young ruler last week and this week I am speaking on Zacchaeus. I love trying to find a new angle to a story that is so familiar. But I digress...

Back to my Starbucks cup.
This is what I read yesterday:

"It's tragic that extremist co-opt the notion of God, and that hipsters and artist reject spirituality out of hand. I don't have a fixed idea of God. But I feel that it's us- the messed-up, the half-crazy, the burning, the questing- that need God, a lot more than the goody- two shoes do."
Mike Doughty - Musician

How do you see it?


Katie said...

Oh how I miss those sayings!! I can't remember if I saw them on the cups in Vienna. I miss meeting you at Starbucks...actually I miss having Starbucks close by!! Believe me, Michael and I will be hitting it up every once in a while!!! Can't wait to see you soon!!

Unknown said...

while Caryn and Mahiri were laughing, Lenna was busy shouting AMEN for Starbucks as a place for new home! LOL

WalksInTheWoods said...

small amen to the starbucks trips......(it was my request for the day, to my son .... since I can't drive yet.....

a real amen to the musicians words on the cup.... seems to me he knows the senses of Jesus words, that it is the sick who need the physician, not the healthy.... and even better yet, the truth that its "the messsed-up, the half-crazy, the burning, and the questing" thast can find God .....I pray that they will sit next to me at starbucks .....they're usually more interesting than the goody-two-shoes .