Saturday, January 21, 2006

Jehovah Witnesses

The Jehovah Witnesses just left my front step. They made a few mistakes today with me!
1. They came on a Saturday morning when I was not busy and was still in my pajamas.
2. They tried to tell my zeal for God was commendable but so was Saul before he knew the truth and became Paul!
3. Then they tried to guilt me for being home and not “out in the world”. Their reasoning is that if I was really living by the scriptures I would be going door to door as Jesus did.

DON’T get me started!!!
1. Mornings are not good for me! If provoked I will bite back!
2. I said “How do you know you are not Saul? Your Zeal seems greater than mine; I am not out going door to door! I am still in my Pajamas!!”
3. Must I say WAR CRYS….yes it has been awhile but I have gone door to door. Also, Christ taught in the synagogue and went in to homes where he was invited -even to the house of sinners. He didn’t go door to door knocking on random houses!
In the end, it was all friendly. They said it was commendable that someone in this day and age would really be searching the scriptures when most people don’t care.
This is the BIGGEST problem of all! Most of us do not know what we believe or how we are any different than them. The differences are sometimes so subtle that ANYONE who doesn’t know more than basic Sunday school lessons or basic Corps Cadet Lessons could be easily deceived. PLUS! They are going out door to door on the whole premise that they are right and people don’t care or know the Bible.
READ YOUR BIBLE- Study the WORD of GOD and find yourself approved.
They do have more zeal than most of us and that is to our shame for we have the truth that Jesus is God, God in flesh. Truly and properly God and truly and properly man.
Devotions this morning with them was exhausting!!
I am going back to my toast and coffee.


Soulpadre said...

you could always tell them if they converted, as a movement they could singlehandedly squash the Arian controversy!

Danny Haszard said...

Up close and personal Jehovah's Witnesses can be wolves in sheep's clothing.

Think about this-When the devil comes knocking on your door he may not have the 'dark goth look'.They could be smartly dressed and wielding the Christian Bible.

I have Jehovah's Witnesses family in the usa who practice the Watchtower JW enforced ritual shunning that i have not seen or heard from in 15 years.

The central CORE dogma of the Watchtower is Jesus second coming (invisibly) in 1914 and is a lie.Jehovah's Witnesses are a spin-off of the man made Millerite movement of 1840.

A destructive cult of false teachings, that frequently result in spiritual and psychological abuse, as well as needless deaths (bogus blood transfusion ban).

Yes,you can 'check out anytime you want but you can never leave',because they can and will hold your family hostage.

The world has the Internet now,and there are tens of thousands of pages up from disgruntled ex-Jehovah's Witnesses like myself who have been abused by the Watchtower cult.

Jehovah's Witnesses are often a mouth that prays a hand that kills.The Watchtower is a truly Orwellian world.
Danny Haszard former Jehovah's Witness X 33 years and 3rd generation