Tuesday, January 17, 2006

An Army on their knees

I saw an Army on their knees today. I was looking in the Eastern Territory’s Good News. There was a picture of delegates at a congress in Africa all kneeling….the whole crowd of them.
When I was in Latvia, with a small brigade of cadets from them Eastern Europe Territory, we attended a Holiness meeting in an apartment. Between 80-95 people came into that apartment for the meeting. The living room which was long and narrow turned into a corps hall. We worshiped together, collected offering, and had testimonies. When we came to an open time of prayer, a young woman came to the front of the room (she was obviously pregnant). The officer in charge explained how this young lady had lost her last child prematurely. She sat Olga in a chair and called the leaders of the room to stand around her. She invited everyone to pray for Olga, for her husband and for the baby. I placed my hand on Olga and closed my eyes to pray. I was startled by a loud thump and the floor shaking beneath me suddenly. I opened my eyes to see everyone in the room on their knees in prayer. I could only imagine, from the abruptness of the thump and rattle of the floor, that they all fell to their knees in unison. It seemed to me at the time to be their habit to pray that way as a congregation.
Prayer can take on many different postures.
I know God looks at the heart………not if we are standing, sitting, lying prostrate or praying while we drive. However, the posture of kneeling while praying is a humble posture.
When we are proud we stand tall.
Full of shame, we hang our heads low.
When we kneel to pray………..what are we saying?
When we kneel to pray in community what does that say?
Why is it harder to kneel in public worship than at home?


Allison Ward said...

That is an awesome story..I think of kneeling as falling to the feet of God..humbly coming to him and laying it all down...for me, it is harder to kneel in public because I am too self consious of what people are thinking of me..at home I feel alone with God and therefore it's easier for me..I don't know it that made much sence but.....

BrownEyedGirl said...

Make perfect sense to me Allison! I feel the same way. I kneel in public pretty much only when the conviction of God to kneel is greater than my self consious. More of you God less of me!