Monday, October 24, 2005

Old friends

I went to a funeral today. I didn't really know the officer that was Promoted to Glory, although I was impressed with all they said about her. I was there because one of her grandsons has been a friend of mine since I was around 9 years old. There was a group of us. We were all officer's kids.
This was the group in no particular order:
Kevin Miller, Jimmy Shotzburger, Heather Smullen, Robert Smullen, Lynnette Psaute, Beth Baker, Johnny Payton.
I no longer know where Heather, Robert, Beth or Johnny are. I know Heather and Robert don't go to the Army. I am not sure about Beth or Johnny.
Kevin and Lynnette married but recently divorced. They also don't go to the Army.
Jimmy died not so long ago (suicide) and I still think about him and our little group.
From the age of 9-14 we were inseparable. There were others who came and went but this was the core group. We shared our years of innocence and discovery together.
So, I went to the funeral to support Kevin. I , in some way feel like it is my way of being loyal to him, to those friends, those memories.....who I am....who we were.
I wonder what happened to all of us. All of us officer's kids, all sharing the same childhood experiences......not one that I know of goes to a corps. What is up with that? I could go and make a stronger statement but I don't know where they are at physically or spiritually. Did we "drop the ball" so to speak with officer kids? What are we doing today to ensure that we are not saving the world and loosing our own? Where are they??
How can I call them friends after all this time? After not seeing them, not communicating with them? I don't know.......but I do. Some memories in life are deep. Moments when you knew you were accepted, you knew you belonged.
It was great to see Kevin. He is a great guy. My fear is that he doesn't know that. I have lost contact with all the others.....except for Lynnette and Kevin. Lynnette was my maid of honor in my wedding. She is a great person and a good mother.
I wish we all had kept in touch through the years. I wish I had known Jimmy as an adult. He was a great kid.
Each of us have our own stories, our own much easier would the load be if we carried it with a friend? I am guilty of not keeping in touch as well as I could have.
Do they remember?
I remember them all, as 12 year old kids......silly, smiles, laughing together, worshiping together.
Even seeing Kevin today....all grown his eyes....he is still that 12 year old boy who called me a friend.

May God's grace cover them all.

2 Timothy 2:13 "If we are faithless, God will remain faithful, for He cannot disown himself."

I don't know who reads this. If you read this and can tell me about any of them that I have mentioned....please let me know. I would love to be in touch!

1 comment:

blogblogblog said...

You're not the only one who's lost touch with the band of officers' kids you grew up with. I know where some of my friends are. Bill's an EMT and doing well, happy in his work and life. I know this only through his mom that I see very occasionally. Trish is a lawyer and has had an eclectic life. Geoff's an ARC Officer. Chip and Jo are your soldiers. But I know nothing of Paul or Brian. And those I know of, I mostly know about through other people. On balance, I think I know of more officer's kids that I grew up with who ARE still connected to the Army than not. Some (like me) have wandered away and come back. Many worship in other churches.

In some ways, I've always thought the lifestyle of an officer's kid promotes a life of being a bad friend. We learn early not to get too close to people we'll lose touch with too soon. We hopped around to a lot of different divisions, so moving usually meant a new state, long distance calls and all this pre-email.

It's a different kind of life, but lots of people grow up and drift apart from friends they knew early in life. Not everyone gets to be George and Mary Bailey. Yes, I just referred to "It's a Wonderful Life" characters as real life people.