Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Key to Life is Obedience!

I am teaching a seminar on balanced life and ministry next week. Which is very funny to some!!! While preparing, I found this picture and it reminded me of what someone once said to me. They told me that I was the kind of person who would scream "there is an elephant in the room!" While others would try to just walk around it.

Well, this picture kind of captures what I think most of us are trying to do in our life and ministry. For have to admit, it is impressive! Then think of the training and skill involved for the elephant. It really is, in a lot of ways, what we want. We want to be skilled in what we do, talented, gifted, impressive! BUT's an ELEPHANT on a little ball! How long can he really stay like that??? Think of the strain on his body, his family. At some point he needs to eat, sleep and can I say.....go to the bathroom.

I don't believe we are called to balance like the elephant. I don't believe we are called to be impressive. My husband once wisely reminded me we are not even called to be blessed, just obedient. That is what God has asked of everyone he has called- Obedience.

One of the passages of scripture we will be looking at in the seminar is about the call of Moses.

Exodus 3:1-4. Moses sees a burning bush and God calls him through the bush. The bush is really a better picture of how our service to God should be. On fire for God! Burning yet not consumed! So many people in service seem "burnt out" or they seem to be "burning the candles at both ends" maybe in an attempt to balance life and ministry.

Are we striving to keep it all up in the air like the elephant??? Or are we Burning for God!? Living to be obedient for His purposes.

1 comment:

Christin ><> said...

Hello Carol Bate! This is Christin Kapp from flemington. Welcome to blogger. I'm not going to waste time writing a lot here because i'll see you in two days.....just wanted to welcome you to the world of online publishing!